Coparight Webdesign





The Problem


The Solution


The Prototype




Legal Rights














The introduced card could in future accompany mankind from school days till death and identify and authorise him anytime and at any occasion whenever it seems necessary and he wants it.

The prevention of currently widespread misuse in many fields is realised with this new system already due to the extremely high resistance to manipulation.

Another significant point – data security – would finally justify its name in numerous areas.

The precondition however is that the card can only be programmed and issued by an authorised institution – similar to the present Federal Printing Office for ID Cards and bank notes.

At the same time the Binder Card is:

ID Card, driver’s license, check and/or credit card, access card for employees to companies/authorities, authorisation to access sensitive areas, independent monitoring unit, independent data protector.


·        It would serve citizens as ID and personal document for border crossing.

·        At banks the card serves among others to identify and authorise at cash vendors, similar to the present common, but unsafe EC cards with PIN.

·        Vehicle operators can be identified in their vehicle as authorised operator and/or  owner.

·       In commercial passenger and transportation companies, the card as link to the tachograph can not only control permissible driving time, but also road fees can be handled  by the card.

·        Patients have to make evidence of their membership in medical care to doctors.  Unlawful double examinations on unauthorised third persons could thus be avoided.  Ailment backtracking can be stored on the card.  Treating doctors thus have immediate access in emergencies to medical history.

·        Pilots of aircraft prove their valid license for aviation.

·        Stored data cannot be extracted by unauthorised third persons (data protection).  The card can only be read in the  p r e s e n c e  of the card bearer.

·       Manipulation attempts (e.g. reprogramming from outside) are not possible and cause the immediate destruction of the card.  The card could no longer be used and thus useless.